Thursday, September 1, 2011

14 (C): Retell Expository Text

Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text, and provide evidence from text to support their understanding
10(C) discuss the ways authors group information in text
14 (C) retell the order of events in a text by referring to the words and/illustrations
14(C) describe the order of events or ideas in a text
13 (C) identify explicit cause and effect relationships among ideas in texts
11(C) describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts organized by cause-and-effect, sequence, or comparison
10(C) explain how different organizational patterns (e.g., proposition-and –support ,  problem-and-solution)develop the main idea and the author’s viewpoint.
Retell the order of  events in a text by referring to the words
Retell the order of  events in a text by referring to illustrations

  • Use retelling cards of stories from Treasures to retell a story
  • Use sequencing Thinking Map to retell stories by placing pictures in order.  This can lead into a writing lesson.
  • During Guided Reading: when students finish their book have them turn and tell their neighbor about the story (make sure they re-tell in order from beg to end).
  • Science: retell the steps to a science experiment/process.

Anchor Stations:

  • Place sentence strips, from a story read during RATT,  in incorrect order in pocket chart and have students order the events.

  • Possible Assessment Questions:

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