Wednesday, October 19, 2011

3(A) Decode Words

Reading /Beginning Reading Skills/Phonics
3(A) identify the common sounds that letters represent
3(A) decode words in context and in isolation by applying common letter-sound correspondences, including:
(i) single letters (consonants) including, b, c=/k/, c=/s/, d, f, g=/g/ (hard), g=/j/ (soft), h, j, k, l, m, n, p, qu=/kw/, r, s=/s/, s=/z/, t, v, w, x=/ks/, y, and z
(ii) single letters (vowels) including short a, short e, short i, short o, short u, long a (a-e), long e(e), long i (i-e), long o(o-e), long u (u-e), y=long,e, and y=long i
(iii) consonant blends (e.g. bl, st)
(iv) consonant digraphs including ch, tch, sh, th=as in thing, wh, ng, ck, kn, -dge, and ph
(v) vowel digrpahs including oo as in foot, ooa sin moon, ea, as in eat, ea as in bread, ee, ow as in how, ow as in snow, ou as inout, ay, ai, aw, au,ew, oa, ie as in chief, ie as inpe, and -igh
(vi) vowel diphthongs inclusing oy, oi, ou, and ow
2(A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying common letter-sound correspondences including:
(ii) single letters (vowels) including short a, short e, short i, short o, short u, long a (a-e), long e (e), long (i-e), long o (o-e), long u (u-e), y=long e, and y=long i
1(A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying common spelling patterns, including;
decode words in context  by applying common letter-sound correspondence.
decode words in isolation  by applying common letter-sound correspondence.

  • First Class Activities:  
                                 Curriculum & Instruction
                                  Language Arts
                                  Elementary Language Arts
                                  Word Study
  • Poetry NotebooksWays for young students to interact with the poem:
    1. highlight new vocabulary words
    2. mark words with common spelling rules
    3. highlight punctuation that is being studied
    4. color code rhyming words
    5. order the lines in the poem by arranging pieces of the poem
    6. Upper Grades (3rd Grade & Fourth Grade) Begin to introduce the most basic poetic terms without over analyzing the poems you read. For example, in the poetry notebook, a child can highlight similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration, and consonance.
    7. and of course, for fluency's sake, students can read and reread, perform for groups of 2 or an entire class, share it with family and more.....

Anchor Activities:
  • Missing word in a sentence - use context clues to figure out what vocabulary word completes the sentence.
  • Roll The Dice for Word Wall Words - students roll a dice with WWW written on the faces and graph how many times the word was rolled.  Then student answers questions.  Which word had the most?, Which word had the least?, and Which word had the same?.
  • Letters Make Words - students pick words from the Word Wall and write them down. Then they use old magazines to cut out letters and make the word
    • Word Family Cut & Paste - student matches word with picture
    • Welcome to the Neighborhood - sorting mats and car sets - student cut and paste the words in the correct word family (three patterns per page).
    • Blends - Week 8 (st-) and Week 9 (l blends).
  • Word Family vowel sort.

Possible Assessment Questions:

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